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Adult Choir: 

Practices from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Thursdays.  We sing on Sundays and on special occasions September through May under the direction of Catherine Charles.  A pick-up choir sings on Sundays during the summer.  If you love to make a joyful noise, please join us.

Daughters of the King:  

A spiritual order for women of the Episcopal, Roman Catholic or Lutheran Churches.  Members commit themselves to a rule of prayer, service and personal evangelism. 

Episcopal Church Women (ECW): 

Includes all women at Holy Trinity and meets the second Tuesday of each month at 10:30 a.m.  ECW provides opportunities for the women of Holy Trinity to socialize and serve God and our church.  ECW supports seasonal fundraising events, educational programs, community activities and Wounded Warrior program.

Men’s Breakfast: 

Offers the opportunity for all men of the church to meet at a local restaurant for breakfast and conversation the third Saturday of each month at 8 a.m.  The group also helps out at various functions and events at the church as needed.  

Altar Guild:

The Altar Guild is composed of communicants who care for and prepare the church for regular and special services.


Volunteers welcome everyone to church and assist in the orderly flow of worship services.


Outreach Ministry:

Encourages the congregation of Holy Trinity to share their faith through action.  They provide creative and meaningful ways to serve those in need, locally, nationally, and internationally, as they promote an intentional daily living out of our Christian identity.  The Ministry informs and educates the parish membership to the end that all are motivated to give of their time, talent and resources in ways that encourage growth in the expression of Christian love.



Eucharist Ministers:  

This is a group of men and women licensed by the bishop to assist clergy during communion.


Acolytes assist in the worship services.

Lector Readers: 

Read the Old or New Testament lessons or Prayers of the People during Sunday worship services.




Book Club: 

Meets the second Monday of the month from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Discussions are spirited and informative.  Book/Author suggestions are always welcome.  Following the game of Dominos is played every second Thursday of the month from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. 

Ladies Luncheon: 

Meets once per month at various venues and dates. Participation is a great way to get to know fellow parish members.  Sign up on the bulletin board in the Narthex.

Al-Anon Meetings:

Tuesday 7 p.m.


AA Meetings:

Sunday 5 p.m.

Sunday 7 p.m.




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